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Nikcole King (Nikci) is a multi-media artist from the woods of N. California and N. Arizona. She recycles common household items and repurposes them in her jewelry and acrylic paintings. Her signature styles for paintings are done on found wood. Nikci's themes contain strong movement, color, nature, and "whimsical industrialism" tones.  Nikci received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2011 from Idaho State University and has since been active in her studio. She has been published in Black Rock & Sage (issue 10), received an award in architectural design and artistic expression, and  in Wolf Watchers Anthology 2014. For many years Nikci received support in the Pocatello, Idaho art community, and attributes her growth to those in that town. In 2015, Nikci saddled up and headed to Montana. In the time thus far she has been apart of Art Association of Montana, Great Falls Farmers Market, sold her jewelry in multiple local stores, and created a weekly Art Night. Currently she is using her home studio as her storefront. 

​Commissions are Welcome!!!!
With a mildly abstract industrial twist, Nikci's artwork takes on a character of their own. She primarily paints on left over oriented strand board (OSB), from leftover pallet scraps. Each piece is worked through various prep work which allows more color or value to be transitioned into the painting. The more weathered a board is, the more depth can be developed from it. A weathered process can be requested to any painting in advance. All commission submissions require 50% down after evaluation and acceptance has been approved.


Found objects (buttons, washers, parts, bits, nuts, etc.) and natural stones play a hand in Nikci's jewelry. Wire wrapping, beading, and tying knots are common additives to her pieces. Parts from guitars, such as; tuning machines, tuning washers, strings, knobs, lock washers, brackets, and tuning pegs have all been reused in her jewelry. The most recent was dissecting a small space heater to retrieve the spool of copper and industrial random parts to be turned into bracelets. Donations of items that seem worthy of recycling are always so very appreciated! Any ideas, please message the idea/details to

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